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Dream Work

I keep saying how important it is for us to give birth to our dreams, goals, and aspirations. God designed us to give birth to fresh ideas, inventions, books, companies, and families. I shared how my first book, WHEN I WAS 40, had been on my heart for almost ten years before I typed the first word. I realized I could not keep carrying that idea in my heart and mind year after year; it had to come forth. The same way I made it happen, with God’s help, you can too. I want to encourage you to do whatever you can to move forward. You can overcome every obstacle. Now that I have written and published my first book, there is still more to do. I must cultivate and nurture what I have given birth to if I want to see it grow and develop. There is so much more ahead of me. So, while I am waiting for God to do His part, my job is to follow His lead every step of the way. My marketing plan is just the ministry assignment that I am cultivating and nurturing. I have been given opportunities to speak and tell others about my story. Whatever your dream is, you will have to put in some work if you want to see it become a reality. Faith without works is dead (James 2:26b). I cannot just pray without doing any work. I pray, I trust God, then I complete the next step. I have learned the value in seeking guidance, and I encourage you to seek the advice of wise counselors, coaches, and mentors. I also enjoy being available to mentees. Imagine that while you are aiming for your goals, you may have the opportunity to help someone else achieve theirs. It would be amazing that while someone is pouring into you, you could do the same for someone else. In other words, we should welcome the chance to cultivate and nurture other people. “Try not to become a person of success, but rather try to become a person of value.” (Albert Einstein). I believe if we would all seek to become valuable to another person, we could all achieve our goals. We could positively impact our smallest circle of influence, then gradually change the environment around us. I am looking forward to achieving the dreams, goals and aspirations that God has placed on my heart, and I want to see you achieve yours too. I'm praying for you!

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